│ "Our Vastayan essence fades with each passing day." │


She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way. Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.


It is said that Xayah met Rakan when he realised that she was the only woman that wouldn't fall for his charms. This intrigued him, perusing her later on.



  1. │ Double Daggers

    ACTIVE: Xayah barrages two Feathers in the target direction that each deal physical damage to enemies hit.

    Targets hit after the first take 50% reduced damage.

  2. │ Deadly Plumage

    ACTIVE: Xayah enters a frenzy for 4 seconds, gaining bonus attack speed and empowering her basic attacks to fire an additional smaller feather at the target on-hit that deals 25% damage of the triggering attack's damage.

    Whenever Xayah hits an enemy champion with the strike, she gains 30% bonus movement speed for 1,5 seconds.

  3. │ Bladecaller

    ACTIVE: Xayah recalls all planted Feathers to shoot back to her, each dealing physical damage to enemies hit, increased by 0 - 75% (based on critical strike chance). Bladecaller deals 50% damage to minions.

    An enemy takes 100% - 10% (based on previous feathers hit) damage from a Feather.

    A target hit by at least three Feathers is rooted for 1,25 seconds.

    Enemies can be hit by an individual Feather only once per pass.

  4. │ Featherstorm

    ACTIVE: Xayah leaps into the air, becoming ghosted and untargetable for 1,5 seconds. After 1 second, she shoots 5 Feathers in a cone in the target direction that deal physical damage to enemies hit.

    Xayah is unable to basic attack or cast abilities during Featherstorm, but can still move.